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2015 LYD Awards Night
Gilda's Club NYC
March 12, 2015 (click on image to enlarge)
?, Hilary Ratcliffe (SI International Program Director) and Anne Garvie (SI President).
Margaret Mowat (SIGBI) and Eva Tyson (SIGBI).jpg
Janet Schempf (SIA)
Joy Dobson (SIA) and Francesca Williams (SI).jpg
Kathleen Hanna (SIM) and Nancy Greenberg (SINY).
Lane Parks (SI Director) and ?.
Gigi Penalosa (SIA),Tonny Filedt Kok (SI/E), Angelina Akhvlediani (SIM President) and Mary Gogoladze (Angelina's daughter).
Tonny Filedt Kok (SI/E), Angelina Akhvlediani (SIM President) and Mary Gogoladze
Mary Gogoladze
Ann Garvie (SI President) reading the "Women's History Month" display created by Fran Gilstein (SIM).
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