SIM members annually donate travel sized toiletries and gather to assemble gift bags which are given to ladies residing at The Dwelling Place at a Valentine's Day party hosted by SIM.
On February 17th, you are invited to join us in some fun comradery with the ladies residing at The Dwelling Place. There will be music, games, snacks and refreshments and we will distribute a Valentine gift bag to each of the ladies living in the shelter.
If you would like to be part of the festivities, please RSVP by e-mailing Sandi Gabin via SGabin@greenwichhouse.org, or by calling Dee Carroll at 1-718-273-3697.
The Dwelling Place is a privately-funded transitional residence for women located in midtown Manhattan. Since 1977, they have provided shelter, sustenance and support to thousands of women.
February 17, 2016
5:30 to
7:30 pm